Today we’re going to simplify the course creation process.
My guest is Julie Artz who finds herself in a bit of a funky place in her business…
Julie is a book coach who serves social and environmental justice-minded story geeks who understand that books change lives with a combination of craft knowledge, industry smarts, strategic planning, and tough love.
Julie is extremely busy with a waitlist for private clients. Yet, she is very committed to creating price accessibility so those folks who may not have the ability to pay her private client rates can still get their books written and out in the world.
At the same time, Julie really doesn’t have time to build out a course. So, what’s a book coach to do?
Well, the two of us put our heads together to design what I’m going to call a B- version of a course.
One that delivers a lot of value without requiring a lot of set up.
We looked at the specific things that make Julie’s private coaching work really well and simply asked ourselves, “how can we recreate the best possible version of this inside a group?”
And guess what, in less than 45 minutes, Julie and I designed a pretty rock solid group program that she’s going to be able to get off the ground in a matter of weeks.
Which is just so exciting. So, if you are somewhere in the in-between… not quite ready to build a full blown course but unable to bring on any more private clients… you’re going to get so much from this episode.
00:02:00 - Julie shares her hope to expand her offers so that what she does is more accessible without compromising the experience for herself or her clients
00:05:30 - Together they talk through the ideas Julie currently has to accomplish this goal
00:08:00 - Dallas shares another idea she has for Julie for the future
00:11:00 - Julie shares that she has resistance to a membership because she’s concerned about finding a way to deeply engage with her members without becoming overwhelmed
00:13:00 - Dallas tells a story about a belief she used to have around private coaching
00:15:30 - Together, they write a list of characteristics + circumstances that make private coaching so juicy, so they can then find a way to replicate that inside a membership
00:24:00 - Dallas proposes the idea of support / critique groups inside the membership
00:29:00 - Julie + Dallas brainstorm around an idea to share and celebrate achievements each week
00:32:00 - Julie shares her signature system and how to incorporate that into the membership
00:38:00 - They work through a way to include audits/reviews into her membership
00:41:00 - Dallas proposes the idea of hiring another book coach to come in and help with the quarterly audits
00:45:00 - Dallas breaks down each piece of the program they outlined and how it’s incredibly high value but still low lift
00:47:30 - Julie talks through her next few action steps to make this program happen
00:52:00 - Dallas clearly summarizes Julie’s actions steps and what you can take away from their conversation