As we end 2024, Kurt Wuckert Jr. takes us through some of his favourite moments of the year so far.
Starting with Connor Murray, Kurt and Connor discussed 15 years since the release of the #Bitcoin Whitepaper, and if it has fulfilled its original promise.
Kurt also talked with Steve Bailey, one of the leaders behind the #DigitalCurrency Wallet, Rock Wallet.
In an interview with Craig Mason, Kurt discusses the need for verifiable information and how #Bitcoin can solve real-world #data problems.
Ty Everett also joins Kurt, and they talk about blockchain start-ups, the tooling and focusing on going out and doing business.
His final clip is with the founder of Champions of Other Worldly Magic, the unique trading card game, that utilises #bitcoin technology, but is not focusing on telling that to the world, to just create a great game.
As the show concluded Kurt took some of the burning questions from our live chatbox audience.
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