Michelle Lane-Barmapov is a qualified Casa Montessori teacher (3 to 6 years of age) and early childhood educator who is trained in applied behaviour analysis (ABA). With over 25 years of experience in working with children, Michelle shares her journey of supporting children with differences.
According to Michelle she "always had an interest in working with children that needed support." After working with a 6-year-old boy with autism, she wanted to learn about different methods and approaches to help children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Therefore, Michelle got trained in ABA therapy. She feels that it is important to "work with the development of the child" and conduct an assessment with the child and his/her family to identify what external reward would work best for them.
In 2005, Michelle won the Premier's Award for creating the Toronto Montessori School for Autism (TMSA). The school focused on using ABA therapy and the Montessori approach for children with autism. Due to lack of funding, the school closed in 2010.
As a former Montessori student, Michelle remembers that her Montessori experience was a peaceful time. Michelle shares with us the three qualities that she believes make a great Montessori teacher. In addition, she talks about one of the many Montessori principles she likes.
Currently Michelle is a professor at Sheridan College in the Early Childhood department training adults to become teachers, as well as completing her Doctorate in Health at the University of Bath. Upon completion of her master's degree, Michelle plans to continue her research on the Montessori approach with children who are autistic.
This conversation with Michelle was inspirational, insightful and packed with lots of useful information. Michelle is passionate about helping children which is very evident through her work.
For more information about the work Michelle is involved in and discusses in this episode, visit the links below.
Dr. Joyce Pickering's Book:
Also, available as an e-book in most countries through Amazon.
Montessori Autism - Master Thesis Research Study (won AMS Thesis Award 2017):
Montessori Medical Partnership for Inclusion Website Support:
A research article about ABA and misconceptions that have been published: