Episode 5, Racialized WTF: The Professional Edition. In this episode, we share experiences of “Racialized WTF” workplace moments – times when we have been surprised and disturbed by racist comments made by youth and adults in our professional lives. We reference resources listed below. Some of our liberation lessons include being ready to disrupt racism in conversations – both outright racism and coded language, empowering others to do the same, and continuing the conversation about racism in ongoing and intentional ways.
Randall Kennedy book MCM references: https://bookshop.org/books/nigger-the-strange-career-of-a-troublesome-word-vintage-books/9780375713712
Library of Congress Slave Narratives: https://www.loc.gov/collections/slave-narratives-from-the-federal-writers-project-1936-to-1938/about-this-collection/
Learning for Justice Speak Up Pocket Card: https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/general/speak_up_pocket_card_2up.pdf
Rain Rain Sleep App - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rain-rain-sleep-sounds/id478687481 Twitter Follow: @Brad_Carpenter – Mindfulness group for educators