Bus Ride Horrors! Holiday Movie Pitches! Commando Animal Sidekicks! A Glass 'N Glue Bear Knuckle edition of Public Axis with guest Dustin Ybarra and Michael V Suarez!
Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on June 1st, 2014.
00:00 Right off the stage after a Spurs Western Conference winning week, we welcome back comedian/actor Dustin Ybarra and frequent Public Axis flyer Mike Suarez to the F-Stop! Sure, the week was grand and all, but did it really need to end with crumby-ass end-of-shift club nachos? Let's at least kick it up a notch with an action packed podcast!
10:37 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! A never-stopping train to store all of humanity!? Yep, it's all in the film, Snowpiercer, a battle of the poor against the rich for a chance to ride in front of the bus! Topic #1: Tell us about your worst public transportation experience!
33:12 Dad's Corner(ed)! Larry's got kids, as you know, and Dustin can be spotted in Hop, the Easter themed movie. Finally, a movie about Easter, Larry says! Topic #2: What holiday needs to be made into a kid’s movie? Cast it, name it & give plot details!
51:52 Hey, That's Not Funny! As it turns out, China has some monkeys doing dirty work along side their army! The future is now! *cue Pokemon theme* Topic #3: If you could choose a type of animal to fight by your army’s side, what would it be?
1:08:34 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What Did We Come to Know. Enlighten yourself!
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