Whoo! Corona Virus has really slowed the world down, and even slowed us down, but thanks to the Anchor.FM team, we are back up and running!
On the season finale of Comedy's Curls, I have comedian Jessica Clayton on the show! She's our first white girl ya'll, no pressure! Jess is a standup comedian, roast battle extraordinaire and co-host of the Tres Betches Podcast. On this episode we let it all out on how being on lockdown has effected us, her white guilt for using black hair products and how she misses her old roommate's Dyson Hairdryer.
Once the 'rona is over, you can find Jess doing standup all over NYC and comedy festivals across the country!
Follow her:
IG @yessssyca @TresBetchesPodcast
Follow us:
IG/FB/Twitter @ComedysCurls
Follow me:
IG/Twitter @teonasasha