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By Stacie Speaker
55 ratings
The podcast currently has 25 episodes available.
Stacie wraps up this season of Communication Untangled! She shares how she'll be spending her summer, what she's learning from her business, and where she's heading with it, as well as what she plans to accomplish between seasons. She finishes off the series by reinforcing the power of good communication skills, and leaves us with a fond farewell!
More Stacie
In this episode, Stacie welcomes Elena Deutsch to the Communication Untangled podcast! Elena works with attorney's in order to help them figure out their next step, kick that inner nay-sayer to the curb, and to take action on their dreams. The funny thing: Elena is not, and has never been a lawyer, but she has a massive passion for helping women in law.
In This Episode
How and why she decided to work with lawyers
The core concept that Elena goes through with her clients
Saying no and created a desired life
Questioning your thought process using 4 simple questions
“This idea of helping women lawyers kept waking me up”
“She's saying yes to sleep and recuperation”
“They are a generation of change agents”
“When you're not taking other people's inventory, there's a lot more space for you to take your own”
More Elena
More Stacie
Stacie is excited to welcome Ellen Fields onto this episode of Communication Untangle. Ellen has over 30 years in Corporate America to draw from, first in the consumer healthcare industry, and now she's a communication executive. She started off wanting to make the world better, ad now she helps leaders communicate in a better way!
In This Episode
Growing within an industry as a woman, and an executive
The power of perception
Being yourself is important, but so are your goals.
Things Ellen would say to her younger self
Communicating during the interview process
“In the early part of my career, gender wasn't as big of an issue”
“I couldn't take that comment personally”
“What is your goal, and what does it take for you to do that?”
“What types of things do you want to be doing?”
“It was delivered poorly, but he gave me excellent advice”
More Ellen
More Stacie
Stacie Speaker is unbelievably thrilled to welcome Rick Sharpe to the show to discuss mental health, and how Men are being more outwardly communicative about their emotions and feelings. Rick has written an awesome book called The Price of Heartbreak. Rick is a man on a mission and he is here to help us raise awareness about emotional struggle and the importance of communication within that struggle.
In This Episode
Heartbreak, Patterns and how the book came to be
Why men tend to avoid the deep emotional conversations.
How men like to be received in conversation in order to open up more
Why men will die on their white horse before risking a fall off of it
Finding someone you would die for, and living for them.
“I had to go places in my past in order to figure out why this was happening”
“I had to look at myself in the mirror and say 'you're an idiot'”
“When you lie to yourself, that's a huge betrayal”
“If those open conversations take place, we actually enhance each other”
More Rick
More Stacie
In this episode of Communication Untangled, Stacie is totally stoked to welcome her husband Raymond Lee to the show! Ray is a football coach, and he sees it as a way to help a great many people, and he finds enjoyment in a lot of aspects of it. Although he doesn't consider himself a master communicator, he enjoys the challenge and often finds that the hardest young people to get through to often create the biggest rewards in life.
In This Episode
Communicating with high school students to steer them in a productive and successful direction
Ray explains that men do express their feelings, they're typically just not public about it
Communication between men and women doesn't have to differ or be tougher than other types of communication
How to create a positive team environment and foster a positive group relationship
The challenges in communication between Ray and Stacie
“You have to have a multi-pronged communication approach”
“You have to spend a good amount of time getting to know the kids”
“It's a misconception that men don't have those emotions flowing through them and express them”
“Just find what their passion is and get them to relay that”
“I think that's the key to anything is just knowing someone”
“Some things take time to open up to”
“The more we understand who we're communicating with, the better”
More Stacie!
On this episode of Communication Untangled, Stacie Speaker welcomes Tiana Sanchez in a #1 best selling author on Amazon, as well as a corporate trainer who serves innovative companies throughout the U.S. Tiana also hosts an awesome podcast called Like A Real Boss.
In This Episode
Management at 17 years old, and learning the complexities of people.
Why focusing on communication can mess things up for people
One of the best things you can do when you find yourself in a new environment
Navigating conflict, and how to deal with people who are frustrated or upset.
What is an empathy statement, and why you may want to start using them.
“People are complex and we are all uniquely different”
“The best part of my career was developing others”
“There's nothing soft about the soft skills”
“If you don't have trust first, you're not going to communicate effectively”
“Seek to understand, not seek to judge”
To find out more about Tiana
More Stacie
Stop. Communicate and Listen, Stacie's back with a brand new mission (admit it, you read that in the style of Vanilla Ice). But Seriously! Stacie is back and talking about the skill of active listening, and how it can improve your communication skills and help you have better conversations with the people in your life.
In This Episode
Objective Listening
Subjective Listening
Intuitive Listening
How Sympathy and Empathy differ
“It's unbelievably imperative that not only do we talk to each other, but we listen to each other”
“You want to be genuinely interested”
“You notice their tone of voice, you notice their body language”
“You're empathizing with the person, you're putting yourself into their situation”
“There's a difference between sympathy and empathy”
“You have to listen because you don't know what that other person is experiencing”
Courageous Conversations
In this episode of Communication Untangled, Stacie Speaker reunites with Alison Deutsch . Alison is a certified positive psychology practitioner and professional coach who has experienced the challenge of relocating with her young family 4 times over a period of 10 years both domestically and overseas. Stacie first welcomed Alison as a guest on Reignite Your Light, and is thrilled to speak with her again!
In this episode
Stress and how the body responds to it.
The 3 Super Powers and how they keep you calm.
The cuddle hormone, and hugging yourself.
Shining light on the issue, and feeling powerful.
Taking power away from yourself and subtle self sabotage.
“That moment when you're up in front of the room, or the mic goes live... it's like a free fall”
“The breath is a way of calming down that fear”
“We all need a chance to breathe”
Here is the link to Alison:
Here are the links to the Ted Talks we mention:
Stacie is excited to welcome Michael O'Brien to the Communication Untangled Podcast. Michael helps sales and marketing leaders who are juggling it all slay the internal feelings of worry and doubt so they can accomplish complete success.
In this episode:
Comparison, and the “Do Have Be” way of life
Life and Death
From Victim to Victor
Doing less in order to have better conversations
Asking Why
“If I got that new car, I'd be happy”
“I caught happiness for a bit, but then it flew away, like any good vapor finish line”
“I didn't have to put on the brave face anymore, but I was scared to death”
“The conversation I was having with myself wasn't fueling me”
“I want to be present with my family as opposed to just doing all the time”
For Michael
Anastasia Netri is a coach and guide and has been for nearly a decade. She works with people who wish to live a self realized life awake and free.
In this episode, Stacie and Anastasia:
Discuss self-realization, what it feels like, and why it's so important.
Personal and Professional conversations, and how Anastasia navigates them.
Values and where they fit into personal and professional relationships
“We form these identities and we don't know who we are”
“Knowing who you are has everything to do with good communication”
“This person I am as a coach doesn't really get turned off when I'm in relationships.”
“How is it that they see the world from their point of view?”
“What we value dictates how we see the world”
More Stacie
Communication Untangled Group
The podcast currently has 25 episodes available.