Jaya Jaya Myra has built her life around making an impact in the lives of others. After going through her own physical and spiritual healing journey, she tapped into a mindset that opened a path of healing for others. Myra follows her own purpose of teaching people how to bring harmony to their life. Opening the door for a healthy lifestyle, a purposeful life, and a successful connection with everything in the universe.
Jaya Jaya Myra, is a former immunologist turned mind-body wellness expert and bestselling author. She has been featured in hundreds of media interviews globally, including TODAY, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, The Los Angeles Times, The Times of India, The Toronto Sun, Forbes, Parents, Woman’s World, Reader's Digest, and many more outlets. Her nonprofit, Gita for the Masses, is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization created to help people overcome obstacles and be victorious in life.
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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Live the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed
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