A panel of speakers discusses the plight of native wild horses in "Horse Management Areas" on public lands in western states.
Our speakers on Part 1 and Part 2 of the Wild Horse Podcast include:
Lorna Torrey Palermo is a long time horse lover, animal advocate and Advocate For Wild Equines..
Linda Wallace first became interested in the wild horses as a child when she heard about Wild Horse Annie. She has been writing letters and making phone calls ever since! Linda adopted an amazing black Eastern Oregon Mustang named Moonshine in the 80s. She now visits HMAs all over the West to photograph these beautiful, majestic creatures.
Nick Goertzen is a western states horse advocate
Tenaya Jewell is a scientist in the medical field and a long-time activist for animals and the environment. She has always loved horses and her passion is advocating for respectful and compassionate ways of being with animals.
Renee Bosarge Ivy is a long-time animal lover and dedicated horse advocate.
Links for more information:
A.W.E Advocates for wild equines
This is the website, there is a place to donate:
This is awe Facebook page:
Wild horse education: lots of news, updates, litigation
American wild horse campaign:
Beautiful photos and very detailed background info on the issues
Skydog sanctuary: rescues mustangs, reunites families separated during round ups, has 2 locations: malibu, ca and bend, or
New evidence that wild horses are native and how history was distorted by colonizers:
This article includes links to official sources about grazing fees and tax payer costs
Current legislation in Congress that impacts the horses:
*HR 3355 Safe Act: prohibits the transport of equines for the purpose of slaughter.
*HR 6635 WHB Protection Act of 2022Stops the use of helicopters in the round up of wild equines
*HR 6935 Grazing Retirement Act
*SB 1214 Grazing, Mike LeeFacilitates the voluntary retirement of grazing allotments owned by ranchers and sale to other interested parties.
* HR 5203 Ejiao Act, Don Beyer, subcommittee on health(Sept 2021)Prohibits the sale or transport of Ejiao made using donkey skins in interstate or foreign commerce.
The A*W*E Advocates for Wild Equines Lobby Coalition does lobby for the passage of these acts in Congress.