Every week since I started breaking down my own psyche I send an email to my coach titled in reflection. Sharing the syncronichies, revelations, awakenings and new found awarenesses that the universe delivered me as the week unfolded. At times I would sit there thinking what could possibly show up, it’s been a quite week and then BAM, something would be delivered.
But why – why stop, why let the wheels fall off?
Power opposing independence!
The world told me I was a success, it kept on confirming it but I’ve always lived in two realities, and it’s the reality that was numbed and suppressed because it was too painful to acknowledge was the underlying driver of my life. And I had to face it this year, it was delivered to me, rolled like a ball at my feet, and I had to hear the calling.
Until you don’t confront what is numbed and suppressed within, that is unconsciously running your life, it is like a house on sand. My house was built on sand, and the sand began washing away, and so the house fell. As it needed to, as it still is, because what the destruction had to offer and has to offer is so beautiful. Parts of me that I didn’t even know existed, have just come online, and I realised that the level of pleasure one can experience is only relative to the pain they can experience, and both are awakening, revealing and beautiful.
If you have been listening to the show this year, I again thank you for choosing this space and for taking value from the show. I couldn’t always deliver this year, as literally, my wheels fell off, and I had to stop and inspect the vehicle. Thoroughly.
Join me in January for the secret series, where co-authors from SOTCI have joined to bring disruptive perspectives and truths to you, in anticipation of the release of our anthology. I’m extremely proud of it, and I know it’s going to serve its purpose of lodging a spanner in the minds of many, because not to dissimilar to what I’ve been speaking on, something needs to enter to break your mind so you can experience far more than what is currently in your realm.
I wish you a blessed and abundance Christmas if you celebrate, as I do a prosperous, abundant and growth filled new year. I wish you all the best and nothing less, and if you choose to be back next year, then all I can say is, we’re going somewhere so vastly different than where we have been, and the invitation is always open for you to join.
Until 2024, here’s to constructing you….