The Student Founder Journey, a series of episodes presented by the Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship, follows the bold entrepreneurial pursuits of students and young alumni at The Ohio State University. This episode features Addam Jensen and Tristan Yang from Holocron Technologies.
Holocron Technologies is part of the first-ever President’s Buckeye Accelerator (PBA). Six student ventures were chosen for the year-long accelerator and will advance their startup for launch with a $50,000 award.
Holocron Technologies is a digital native intelligence company harnessing the power of SIGINT, OSINT, data analytics, deep learning, and artificial intelligence at the intersection of enterprise, academia, and government. The team is comprised of students and recent graduates from 16 academic institutions. Jensen, co-founder and CTO of Holocron Technologies, is a student at Ohio State (Fisher College of Business), while co-founders Tristan Yang and Jared Edwards are recent graduates of Columbia University.
In this episode, Jensen and Yang their shared mission and journey to transform innovative technology into a viable business outcome. The episode is hosted by Jack Considine, a second-year finance major.