Compassion Advocacy Network (CAM) was started in 2002 by David Hutchinson and Johnathan Stanley here in Virginia Beach and are celebrating 15 years!
Their vision is helping other people that are forgotten. They started out visiting nursing homes and visiting the residents who didn’t normally get family or friends to see them. They wanted to offer quality of life improvements that the seniors can’t always pay for. The only way they will get these necessities is if someone gets it for them. It was a project they were passionate about and even started funding it themselves for the first 5 years.
In 2012, Johnathan left his full time job and started the process of soliciting businesses and gathering items that the residents needed. It wasn’t going to be just a hobby anymore…but their full time business/non-profit. It was a simple start by creating a bag of the necessities and delivering these items to the elderly. They soon got a community development position filled to help approach businesses for donations and contributions.
After working with 12 nursing homes they officially went from hobby to business. From 2012- 2016 they have helped thousands of families and individuals every month. Their main focus is nursing homes for elderly population who they feel are the most underserved.
They soon started the advocacy and educating people on their cause. They have raised money to put a ramp in an elderly persons home.
Celebrating their 15 years of work they have accomplished at Compassion Advocacy Network.
I LOVE their mission statement!
“We teach the world how to love through simple acts of kindness by putting compassion into action. ”
A few things that Compassion Advocacy Network has accomplished:
* Gave $40,000 in direct support to families’ financially devastated battling cancer to help offset expenses
* Sponsored camps for kids
* Hosted parties for isolated elderly
* Watermelon socials
They are always looking for volunteers, donations, and other contributions to help out!
Compassion Advocacy Network contact information:
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James Walrod – Veterans United Home Loans
Naoma Doriguzzi – Social Media Consulting
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