This past Sunday, the Coquina family gathered to celebrate Easter and Joey spoke on Acts 9:32-43. In this section of scripture, we see Jesus' resurrecting power shown twice through the actions and faith of Peter. First, we see Aeneas, a man paralyzed for 8 years. Peter heals him in the name of Jesus, and it is said many look to the Lord. The second is the death of Tabitha (Dorcas), a good and charitable woman loved by the church. Peter found her dead and after praying and commanding her to rise, she sat up alive. While celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, Joey makes the following points; first is that the resurrected Christ is our healer, and second is that the resurrected life is your life. Jesus came to heal the sick, and He willingly does so repeatedly for each of us. In believing this, we can be like Tabitha and live a life that looks to the things above.