People involved in any creative field, particularly a spiritual one, often complain that their greatness cannot be fully expressed because of the lack of a creative field—of other people, they usually mean. “There’s not enough response,” so they think they are imprisoned in their glorious selves! However, we can examine the examples of Jesus, or some a little closer to our experience—Uranda and Martin Exeter. We’ve all heard them expressing the Tone through human form. We’ve heard many audiotapes conveying their words and spirits. I think most of us who were blessed to be in proximity to them would have to acknowledge the dearth of conscious and mature collaboration avail- able to them. Indeed, very few who knew them are around just a few years later, so what they had to say couldn’t have had that much impact on many. But, anyway, that questionable quality of creative field didn’t stop Uranda or Martin from magnificently articulating the Truth. The secret was that their primary negative, creative fields were their own capacities.