Today we cover the first of many discussions related to our recommended PRIVATE PRACTICE MUST-HAVES. There is so much we wish we would have known before taking the journey on the road to licensure and then to start our very own private practices. We want to open up our experiences for other clinicians to learn from in hopes to provide better guidance for those wanting to take a similar path. Although we are still trying to navigate obstacles of owning a business, there is much to be shared so far!
Define Your Space
Determine if you will be seeing clients virtually, in person, or a hybrid approach. Having dedicated office space, even if it’s within your home, is key. Consider how accessible in-person office space will be for clients when doing your search.
Network, Network, Network
You never know who you will meet and where that connection will take you. Look for groups of other therapists in your area and don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all a mass of helpers looking to help one another out in the field and other clinicians may have some great recommendations for professional services they use to help manage their own private practices.
Consult With The Professionals
Just as we are professionals in our field, and clients come to us for help, it is essential it’s important to consider consulting with those well versed in the business language and necessities of operating a practice in your state. Accountants and lawyers are both great professional tools to reference that will help determine what information is required to start your private practice, tax related information, and ensuring you have a NPI number. Remember, you can find many great points of contact when you’re networking!
Keep A Strong Records Management System
Keep track of your records with an electronic health record or if you prefer the old school method of paper and chunky filing system. We are huge advocates of using an electronic health record because some systems help manage client appointments, have transaction components for billing, insurance forms, all while maintaining HIPA compliance. Just don’t forget to back up your files on external hard drive!
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