Title: "Championing Change: Jodie Alicia's Journey from Olympian to Social Activist"
In this week's episode, we sit down with Jodie Alicia, a two-time Olympian who is making waves both on and off the track. From her training camp in the Cayman Islands to her full-time base in Atlanta, Georgia, Jodie shares her inspiring journey of using creativity as a tool for activism.
Despite the whirlwind of Olympic preparations, Jodie found time to delve into the rich history and challenges of the coffee trade. Through her platform, 'Listen Journal', she amplifies voices from underrepresented communities, shedding light on issues such as mental health, period poverty, and the living conditions of women in coffee farming communities.
Jodie's story is a testament to the power of creativity in sparking social change. From using clothing to express emotions off the track to harnessing curiosity and vulnerability to explore passions, she reminds us that creativity knows no bounds.
Throughout our conversation, Jodie reflects on the importance of patience and teamwork, emphasizing how the magical chemistry of collaboration can turn boundless possibilities into reality. She highlights the power of connection and storytelling in creating space for sharing truths and effecting meaningful change.
As we delve into Jodie's journey, we are reminded of the butterfly effect of small incremental steps leading to vast challenges being tackled. Her story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of creativity in driving positive social impact.