An uncertain future is part of life, no matter how much we can fool ourselves to think otherwise when things seem stable. We never know exactly what's around the corner.
Most entrepreneurs, including myself, have had multiple pivots. Sometimes it's out of dissatisfaction and a hunger for purpose - seeking that place we're supposed to be, where we feel put to good use.
Other times it's out of necessity. The way we've done things isn't working anymore and we have to do something different.
The most potent pivots can happen when it's both. We are being forced to change out of necessity and we move towards passion, instead of collapsing into our fear.
That's what Gina Molinari did with her career and one reason why I'm sharing her interview with you first.
Gina Molinari, affectionately known as Gina Mo, is a Confident Communication Coach. She helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs get clear and confident in becoming the face of their business so they can create the consistency that it takes to create momentum, results, and impact with their work.
Crazy Busy Episodes referenced:
How Do You Know If You’ve Had a Good Day?
Improve Your Focus with Sprinting
Also mentioned in this episode: opera, coaching, communications coach, confidence, career pivot, grit, resilience, slowing down, depression, performance, public speaking