Learning how to manage and invest your money can be difficult for anyone, but especially for freelance photographers and other creative people, who often have irregular income flows. In this month’s episode, Mariah Texidor talks about making money during the pandemic, being the first in her family to graduate from college, and learning to budget and invest her money no matter how much she makes each month. Mariah is a portrait photographer and fine art printer in northern New Jersey. She recently joined forces with her fiancée, a videographer, to start a photo and video business called Studio AbdelaTex (the name is a combination of their last names).
Just a quick note before jumping in our conversation: this is the last episode of Creative + Moneywise’s first season. I’ve so enjoyed these chats with various photographers and I appreciate all of your listeners out there. I’m not sure when the next season will start up but I hope you’ll visit my website, creativeandmoneywise.com, and sign up for my newsletter to stay updated. Thanks so much.