Thank you for your support and for joining us during our launch week! In our second episode, we make it to Lansing, Michigan, so Malinda starts us off with a little history of the city and state. Megan covers the tragic case of Rose Larner, and Malinda covers Chilly Macon who couldn’t find a good place to put a business card.
-There is a knocking noise for the first 2-½ minutes. We apologize cause idk what that is.
We’re also working on our episode quality every time we record, so thank you for your patience.
If you like the episode and want to hear more, for our launch this week, we will have one more episode dropping soon and we will be moving into a weekly schedule after this week.
You can find and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @crimeapolis.
If you’d like to get in touch or send a case recommendation for an upcoming state capital that we will be covering, you can email us at [email protected]
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