What does personal health have to do with business?
Health is wealth. In this episode, we break down some of the overlooked corners of entrepreneurship, which is your health, because of how dependent your business is on your ability to perform. If you’re sick, unless you have some alternate funding source, it’s impacting your bottom line in some way.
We all know a steady diet of fast food will eventually take its toll on you, s when we talk about getting sick, that’s not the cold, we talk about the whole spectrum of wellbeing that can impact your output. That can include nutrition, spiritual wellbeing, time, or stress management.
In this episode we referenced:
· The PTSD study Jacen referenced is comprised of two parts, a study specific to healthcare workers here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/19/healthcare-workers-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-pandemic-covidand this 2013 study which cited other industries, such as firefighters, transportation, journalists and industrial workers: https://academic.oup.com/occmed/article/63/3/175/1413569
· Atomic Habits is an often-cited book by James Clear, and extremely recommended by Jacen! (affiliate link)
· Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a specialized type of chiropractic service without popping and cracking the neck.
· The quote, “Give your body an hour a day,” that Diana referenced is from Coming Home to Myself: Reflections for Nurturing a Woman's Body and Soul by Marion Woodman, Ph.D and Jill Mellic (affiliate link)
· Words That Change Minds: The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence is a book by language expertShelle Rose Charvet (affiliate link)
· The Knockout Mechanisms a from a monologue in Million Dollar Baby. a 2004 movie directed by Clint Eastwood.
· The story of the Eureka moment was totally not Magellan, it was Archimedes. Please don’t quiz Jacen on Greek history.
· Why We Sleep is a book by Matthew Walker. (affiliate link)
I’m Jacen from Hawthorne Union, a professional coach. Join me as I discuss career development, personal and professional growth, and leadership from a coach’s point of view.
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