"We have showing on our page £2,080 but actually it’s really only £1,080 as the Council put in their first £1,000 match funding so we really need a miracle, a mad rush of people bidding or a philanthropic benefactor to cover the remaining £3,920 before next Monday 21st September! We need to raise £5K via a Crowdfunding campaign before Monday 21st September and I know that Northern Irish people have a real heart for supporting and giving back to the community. So with this in mind I wanted to ask for your personal support in helping us to develop a brand new programme to work alongside our schools based Uberheroes® programme, this new programme will focus specifically on supporting children going through transitioning from P6 & P7 into Y8 we plan to trial this for two years enabling us to deliver a programme based on the actual needs of local children across the province. We were one of 4 Charities chosen by Crowdfunder UK & Belfast City Council to raise £5,000 which will be match funded by Belfast City Council if we can raise the initial £5,000 ourselves; this is where we are in real need of the support from local people as a one off donation or by choosing one of our corporate rewards before Monday 21st. Please click on the following link to give to this campaign and to find out more https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/uberher...". Dee Nixon