More than 12,000 pubs have in the UK since 2019 - a rate of around 30 a day. And that’s before you factor in the disastrous effects of the Covid pandemic.
But even before the big shut-down, it was clear that the days of the traditional boozer were numbered. A new generation of punters wanted sophistication, a varied menu – and pint of keg and bag of peanuts just wasn’t going to cut it anymore.
Five years ago Shaun Gardner and Jimmy Little bought the Salutation in Irthington - and having done so, they were determined to take it in a new direction. It was a huge success, but then came COVID – and the closed signs went up again.
NIck Brownlee talks to Shaun about bouncing back from the pandemic, and changing perceptions of what a village pub could and should be.
The Cumbria Business Podcast is a Paperfoot production for the Cumbria Sound & Vision Network.
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