A Way to Live
Jesus taught the way of love.
He told stories. At the center of these stories was a God of love and people in need of love. Jesus’ stories did not focus on belief but on behavior.
Jesus had only two rules for life:
Love God.
Love your neighbor.
He said if you did this, you would automatically get everything else right.
Following Jesus is the way of love.
What Is Love?
Love is the superpower we all possess. It is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Love will save the world.
Love is acceptance.
In Jesus’ day, to sit around the table and eat with someone conveyed acceptance. Jesus was not picky about who he ate with. He ate with tax gatherers, prostitutes, religious leaders, lepers, and Samaritans. He would eat with anyone. He would eat with you.
People were scandalized.
“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them!” (Luke 15:2)
Jesus told a story about a father who welcomed his prodigal son back to the table. He said that is how God treats screw-ups.
Jesus didn’t see lines between people. He treated a Roman Centurion, a synagogue official, a Samaritan woman, a tax collector, and a Pharisee all the same. He loved them all.
But there was one point of conflict.
Jesus’ Conflict
In Jesus’ day, as in ours, there are those who reject others on the grounds of religion, social status, gender, ethnicity, and morality.
If you are grossed out by the people who sit at God’s table you will not find a seat there.
This is why Jesus insisted on the necessity of forgiveness. It’s also why he had such harsh words for the religion-makers of his day. They said God drew lines that gave them an inside track. They even said God rejected certain people. This made Jesus angry.
Love and hate are like light and darkness. They cannot coexist. If you reject a single person, you banish yourself to outer darkness. This is not because God is angry. It is because God is love.
When you fail to love, you experience the pain of being separated. A seat will always remain at God’s table for you. God will leave the light on for you.
Eventually, you’ll come home. No one can live outside forever. But why wait?
The Way of Love
The life Jesus taught can be summarized by three truths.
God is love
Life is growth
Everyone is family
These are three streams, flowing from the heart of God to you and through you.
Because God is love, you love God.
Because life is growth, you love life.
Because everyone is family, you love your neighbor.
The way of love is not a philosophy or a religion. It is a way to live. Behavior is primary. Belief is secondary. Love will guide the way to truth.
Here is a simple way to get started. Focus for a week on each statement. After three weeks, combine them.
Eventually you will go much further than these first steps. You will never outgrow them.
Week #1 God is Love—I Love God!
Every day, make the first words out of you mouth, “I love you.” Say this out loud before you get out of bed.
You will be amazed at what three simply words, expressed honestly, will do.
Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything at first. It’s okay if you are mad at God. It’s okay if you’re not even convinced there is a God. Just say the words, as genuinely as you can.
“I love you.”
You may find that these words lead to further discussion.
“Are you really up there?”
“Why aren’t you taking care of me?”