1 EASY, CHEAP, & NATURAL STEP to whiter teeth, a stronger immune system, never having bad breath, higher amounts of energy, fewer sore throats & colds, preventing heart disease & gum disease as well as better overall dental hygiene.
Coconut Oil is an extremely underrated, natural ingredient that has been used for its many benefits, over the last age. In this podcast episode, Denali introduces and explains in great detail, the process of Oil pulling; which is the method of swishing oil (preferably cold pressed, organic, virgin Coconut Oil) in between the teeth, inside of the mouth. When choosing to use Coconut Oil to Pull with, you are also able to reap the benefits of quickly and naturally whitening the teeth, in addition to the many other benefits and properties that Oil Pulling offers. Denali gives a step by step of her dental regimen and lists which ingredients and tools are best to use when trying this for the first time! Below are two of the items that Denali swears by, when Oil Pulling.
Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper
Dr. Bronner's Coconut Oil