We have overcome so many hurdles since the release of our last episode, so the excitement in getting this one out is like no other.
In that time, we have completed a lot of necessary things we have been meaning to get done for awhile now.
1: We created an acrylic key charm merchandise line which can be found Here .
2: We have overhauled our homepage and populated our About page.
3: We brought an animator onto the team, Vivi , who will be working with us for the eventually addition of visuals to the series.
4: We brought another audio engineer onto the team as well, Jef Leeson , who will be handling the mixing of the rest of the episodes in Season 1.
5: We added a Milestone Progression Chart with rewards for our supporters’ total Patreon (and other) contributions. You can see the chart Here!
Thank you everyone for your support! Check the homepage for links to our Patreon, Twitter, and Discord so you can know more about the work that goes into the series, or talk with the creators!
Director and Writer:
For the actor and production credits, click the “Read More” button below!