Welcome to the first episode of a new series called Rooting. These series are about returning to the ancient wisdom of Celtic and Slavic people - learning how they celebrated important points in the year and, more importantly, looking at lessons and small traditions that we can implement in our modern life.
This episode is about the coming of spring. The halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox is called Imbolc in Celtic tradition and Gromnica in Slavic. Learn about the mythology of both celebrations, ancient traditions and more modern interpretations that you can implement in your life.
Sources used:
- https://www.calend.ru/holidays/slav/
- http://inter.pskovlib.ru/info/etnomir2017/SLAVYANS-3.HTM
- https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/imbolc
- https://druidry.org/druid-way/teaching-and-practice/druid-festivals/imbolc
- https://thegreenparent.co.uk/articles/read/six-ways-to-celebrate-imbolc
You can connect with Jana:
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- FREE workbook https://www.janapuisa.com/spring-workbook
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Thank you for listening, Jana