Good thoughts, good words, good deeds—so goes the old adage of Zoroastrianism, the oldest monotheistic religion in the word. And so lives Zareer, star dad of episode 8. Zareer is a helluva character. Born in Secunderabad India to a Parsee family, Zareer moved with his wife and young family to Sydney Australia in the late eighties. Instead of taking the easy way out and repeating his father’s life as a medical doctor, Zareer decided to pursue his great passion for the French language, and eventually found himself able to monetise it by teaching tongue-tied anglos how to parlez at the multinational bank BNP Paribas. But that pocket description doesn’t capture the warmth, charm and all round wisdom of this larger than life character, a man who will discourse of karma one minute and break the vacuum cleaner with his pure technophobia the next. Yuhan—Zareer’s son—has been rightly puzzled by dad all his life, and now he wants answers on: why the change from medicine to arts? What are Zareer’s biggest disappointments, regrets, fondest memories? And what did Zareer wish he’d told his own dad when he was still on this earth? Hear these two beautiful souls put their creed into practice and think good, speak good, and do good—by each other and the world.