What does the midwest and the DSL have in common? Iowa-nt more of it! Join us, why don’t you, as we sit down with two members of the DSL that share way more history than you may realize at first blush!
You know, Iowa, that reminds me… I was drinking a tall glass of milk yesteryear while I was on the phone with Zach Thomas and he thought it was a bit weird that I drink straight cold milk every day. Is that weird to enjoy a glass of milk? He makes it seem like it’s some kind of longing for my days as a baby being breast fed by my mom! I don’t know how many people remember my mom coming out to Korea back when we had a flag football league, the DFFL, but she did. She flew out because Hiromi was pregnant with Stella and she stayed until after Stella was born. During my mom’s stay, she came out to one of our games and took a bunch of pictures and met Charlie Hurd, Derek Enns… Brandon Brown… you know, all the greats. I still have the pictures she took of that day and I sometimes look back on them wistfully. When she left Korea, she flew to Beijing and then to Tokyo on her way home with my step dad and met Hiromi’s family for dinner while in Japan. She’s a pretty amazing woman and I’m lucky to have her for my mom. And yeah, ZACH, I guess I want to suck on her titties! Jeez!