It’s Wednesday 22nd August 2018, and this is your daily precap of the latest and greatest technology, startups, and business news.
Today we are going to talk about the elephant, not in the room.
The Technology sector, is the largest business sector in the world, by market cap.
Just looking at the top 25 public technology companies in the world, they represent a combined value of $5.7 trillion US dollars.
To put that in perspective, Australia’s national stock exchange, the ASX, has around 2,200 listed companies with a combined market cap of around $1.5 trillion Australian dollars, or about $1.1 trillion US Dollars.
So the top 25 public technology companies in the world, are worth more than 5 times our whole 2,200 public companies, which includes our big banks, our big retailers, our mining companies, our tech companies, the lot.
This technology sector is not just large, it has become the backbone of every other business segment, and is absorbing revenue and talent from traditional industries at an exponential rate.
The issue I want to highlight today, is for Queensland.
Of those top 25 public technology companies, 80% have an Australian headquarters. This is important and also encouraging, given not one of these companies are Australian founded. So we are cementing ourselves as an important nation in the Asia Pacific.The issue we have is that of these 20 companies which represent more than $4.5 trillion, not one, 0% chose Queensland as their headquarters, with Sydney taking 85%, and Melbourne the remaining 15%.
When looking at the top 25 private technology companies, 44% have an Australian headquarters, but again, none, or 0% are based in Queensland, with Sydney taking just over half, and Melbourne the rest.
This is a very, very critical problem for Queensland.These companies attract talent, retain talent, develop talent. Their competition drives wages growth.They spur innovation and growth in the startup and technology sectors.They attract capital.They attract other technology companies.And, they result in huge amounts of state and local tax revenues, with commercial and residential land taxes, payroll taxes, and massive amounts of GST, which despite being a federal tax is distributed to the states in which the tax was derived.
So when we look at the segment and realise that Queensland is the third largest state, Brisbane the third largest city in Australia, and yet, we have none of the bases for these companies, we must realise the stark issue we have and immediately put in a plan to fix the problem.
Queensland cannot afford to continue having our talent flow South. Queensland cannot afford to have our traditional jobs replaced with jobs in Sydney and Melbourne based technology companies.Queensland cannot afford to have effectively no standing in the worlds largest industry sector.Queensland cannot afford to miss out on billions in state taxes which could go to our infrastructure, our schools, our hospitals, our aged care.
Queensland needs our premier and minister for trade, Annastacia Palaszczuk. Queensland needs the minister of innovation Kate Jones.Queensland needs the minister of state development Cameron Dick.
To all put in place and execute a plan now, to turn this around.
I have two kids in this beautiful state, I want to ensure all future generations can grow up and live here in Queensland, without the need to migrate to Sydney or Melbourne for a career.
We have a problem, but there are simple solutions we can put in place immediately, if we just give the issue attention.
Don’t get left behind, follow me on instagram and Twitter @domm, AND subscribe to the daily precap podcast, on your favorite podcast app.
That was your daily precap, I am Domm, thanks for listening.