If you’re anything like John Grimes, you reach out to anybody and everybody you want to learn from. You’re probably not like John. But we could all learn a thing or two from him.
John is an Irish dancer turned voice actor who has never been afraid to ask for what he wants. Having started voice acting only 5 years ago, John has been incredibly successful - recording everything from explainer videos and product promos to projects for clients like Google, First American Financial, and ESPN. On this episode, John shares his journey and insight into becoming successful in your art form: from using social media as a way to connect with the artists you admire, to knowing when to buy gear and understanding where you fit in, John has top notch advice for every step of the process of becoming a successful artist.
Learn more about John at johngrimesvoice.com or at amchoreography.com/2019/01/john-grimes-just-ask
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Dance Like Everyone’s Watching (DLEW) is the show that drops the veil on art and creativity. Go behind the scenes with incredible artists and craftspeople to discover how you can become a skilled creator. Andrea Muhlbauer and her talented guests answer the tough questions you’ll face as you learn about creating with quality and how to start creating NOW.