About Spiritual Life StoriesOur PassionThere are many commendable values and principles to share with the next generations. But nothing could be more important than passing on your faith. The Bible instructs us to tell others what God has done for us, so that “posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord” (Ps. 22:30).Jesus was a master storyteller, and as we strive to imitate Him, no better method exists for declaring His provision and faithfulness. It is through stories that we make sense of the world, remember what has made us who we are, and tell others of the grand narrative that we have been called into—the story God is telling and the part we were created to play.This site is a resource designed to support you in preserving the legacy of your faith, which is far more than your conversion testimony; it’s the story of how God has never left your side throughout your journey.We want to equip you for writing your story so that the next generations will hear “the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done” (Ps. 78:4). With over 31 years of experience, our accomplished team has helped people of all different backgrounds to write their stories of faith in a way that honors God and is a blessing to family and friends.It would be a privilege to come alongside you in telling yours. Spread the word… through you Spiritual Life Story.One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. ––Psalm 145:4For over 30 years, Chad Harbour has helped countless people to write their life stories. His deep experience in documenting and preserving a person’s legacy in book form allows anyone to share these priceless treasures with future generations.The LifeStories team, developed over the past three decades, offers unrivaled expertise and support for your life-writing project. Chad is passionate about building intergenerational bridges—passing on our knowledge, character qualities, values, and life-lessons for the betterment of our nation, communities, and families.To inspire, motivate people, encourage them to obey God's Word, and serve others through their gifts.Inspirer, motiver les gens, les encourager à obéir à la Parole de Dieu et servir les autres par leurs dons.