Naturally Inspired Podcast:  Health. Freedom. Lifestyle.

Danielle Pistilli & Alicia Johnson - The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS

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Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Danielle Pistilli and Alicia Johnson are joining us. . Danielle and Alicia are community organizers. They have spearheaded the world freedom rally’s, been bold spokes people for  health freedom and are tremendous advocates for health care workers. . Together Danielle and Alicia have produced a new documentary called the hidden healthcare crisis. . A film that brings attention to the unjustified firing of unvaccinated health care workers in British Columbia. . These two powerful and courageous women are making sacrifices and taking the hits along the way to bring light to the injustices they see in our world today. . They told me that they are “just moms” but I think you’ll find like I did that they are talented, honest and fiercely dedicated to doing what is right which is deeply inspiring. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed talking with them. . Please welcome Danielle Pistilli & Alicia Johnson to the Naturally Inspired Podcast. . 🔥- Download Our Latest FREE Report On Health & Freedom, Leave A Comment, Send Us a Message, Donate To Our Movement, Support Our Shows And Follow Us On All Audio, Video & Social Platforms At: ❤️ - - ❤️ . #DaniellePistilli #AliciaJohnson #Hidden #HealthcareCrisis #SOS #Canada #Doctors #Nurses #HealthProfessionals Healthcare#Covid #Virus #Vaccine #Pandemic #Mask #Mandate #Lockdown #NaturalHealth #Holistic #Nutrition #Movement #Mindset #Minerals #HealthFreedom #MedicalFreedom #TammyCuthbertGarcia #NaturallyInspiredPodcast . Danielle Pistilli, Alicia Johnson, Hidden Healthcare Crisis, SOS, Canada, Doctors, Nurses, Health Professionals, Healthcare, Covid, Virus, Vaccine, Pandemic, Mask, Mandate, Lockdown, Natural, Health, Holistic, Nutrition, Movement, Mindset, Minerals, Health Freedom, Medical Freedom, Tammy Cuthbert Garcia, Naturally Inspired Podcast

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Naturally Inspired Podcast:  Health. Freedom. Lifestyle.By Tammy Cuthbert Garcia

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