Danny Franc's Walks Of Life
February 18th, 2021
SEASON 2, EPISODE 1 - Ramiro Cantu
Sit back, relax and get comfortable, Season 2 kicks off now. For this episode, I made it as special for the listeners as possible as I took a seat with the man who inspired me more than almost anyone in the world, my grandpa. Ramiro, or as I know him, Ram or "Pops," has lead an interesting life to say the least and has been a kind, hardworking and honest gentleman the entire time. We barely talk about his jobs, and he had some interesting ones, but more importantly, he shares his story and recounts his life of over 80 years in full. We talk about everything from growing up in a time where it was okay for kids to shoot real guns at each other, to his realization that he no longer wanted to drink and instead wanted to take his true love, my grandmother, to Las Vegas out for dinner, so for thirty years, he did. I debated keeping this episode private but I am ultimately happy to give you a peek into what my life has been like since I was a young boy and one of the biggest people to help shape it. Whether you're in Texas, Compton, Massachusetts, France or Tokyo, I wish you a long, warm life. All the best, from Danny Franc's Walks Of Life.
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