Hello everyone! Welcome to the unofficially official audiobook for Chapter 9 of Dark Waters Rising by author Mora Montgomery or OminouslyAnonymous on Wattpad.
Co-released by the author and the narrator, it came to fruition with a simple Wattpad comment and many, many hours of communication and hard work. We hope you enjoy!
Book 1: https://www.wattpad.com/story/216800645-dark-waters-rising-1-bxb-completed
Book 2: https://www.wattpad.com/story/234852775-high-tides-colliding-2-bxb-completed
Book 3: https://www.wattpad.com/story/253492934-dead-seas-surviving-3-bxb
Author's Profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OminouslyAnonymous
Enjoy Mora's writing style? Check out her published novel Lab Partners and her Website!
Disclaimer: This is not a commercial production. It may be taken down as the series gets professionally published.
© Mora Montgomery 2020. All Rights Reserved.