We've all been there, your face is hot with shame, palms sweaty, you feel like you just want to disappear. This episode we take a deep dive into our most shameful moments and have a think about whether shame works differently for men and women. And how the online world has changed public shaming forever.
Links from the episode:
James Gilligan on Shame and children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw5STwOYouM
Lilly Allen on James O'Brien's podcast: https://www.acast.com/unfiltered/episode-5-lily-allen
Jon Ronson's book So Your Been Publicly Shamed: http://www.jonronson.com/shame.html
And a Ted Talk Jon did on online shaming: https://www.ted.com/talks/jon_ronson_what_happens_when_online_shaming_spirals_out_of_control
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