Are you wondering what it will take to go from 5 to 10 loans closed every month?
Are you ready to start living up to your true potential as a Millionaire Loan Officer?
In this episode of MLO Monday, I chat with Adrianna about systems to help you go from $0-$100 million closed.
Key Takeaways in this episode of MLO Monday:
● You need to inspect what you expect from your team.
● You can't serve or succeed without systems.
● It is time for you to accept that you are worthy of success.
Build A System
One of the biggest mistakes you can make, is to generate leads and ask for referrals, before you have systems in place to handle the volume. Adrianna experienced this mistake first-hand when she went out to create business, but didn't have the ability to properly serve the leads that came in from her efforts. It is essential that you have very detailed systems in place to handle every lead from the first interaction to the closing so you don't experience the heartache she did.
Establish Roles & Expectations
Once you have created systems and workflow for every loan, you need to establish roles and expectations for each role. As Adrianna says, "you need to be able to inspect what you expect" from your team. To do that, you need to have very detailed definitions of what will be expected from each team member and a timeline for those expectations.
One of the best ways that Millionaire Loan Officers can make sure that their team knows what the expectations are, is to go over them line by line, during the onboarding process. Those systems should also be supplemented with step-by-step checklists for what each team member needs to do, with deadlines, for each loan. Checklists that include timelines are very effective in keeping everyone on-track and increasing conversion rates.
Break The System
At some point, it becomes important to push your team to the point of being uncomfortable. This can be difficult and can create painful reactions, but breaking the system you have built is instrumental in growth. Until your team knows just how much they can handle, there is too much room for complacency. However, it is always wise to reward your team with what motivates them. Make sure they all feel valued if you want them to continue to accel within your system.
Are You Ready To Get To $100 Million?
It can be hard to accept, but you are worthy of success.
The truth is that you do have the ability to be a Millionaire Loan Officer.
However, you may never get there without the right systems and tools in place.
If you are feeling trapped by limitations or stuck on the ladder to success, then it is time you booked your strategy call with me.
During our call, I will help you to understand exactly what is holding you back and exactly what you need to become a Millionaire Loan Officer this year.
Accept success and claim your strategy call at