How do you deal with dreams and visions from God that have not yet come to pass?
I’ll be looking in detail at the life of Joseph, what can we learn from him?
Is he like Christ?
What happens if we grow impatient?
How do we know God will fulfil His promise?
How do you deal with people that accuse you?
Make fun of you because of what you believe God will do?
It’s a tough one...
Join me as I pray through the Word and share insights, encouragement, experience + teaching and preaching does not make you exempt from hardships.
My faith is being stttttttttretcheddddddddddd as we speak, but I promised God (August 18th 2001) that no matter what He does or does not do for me- the #cross will always be enough, even when I don’t understand what is happening, even when things don’t go as planned...
My encouragement to you?
Tune in to the show xx Connect here @officialteachingmums @notjustamotherr
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I'm Actually Not A Giraffe
Not Just A Mother
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