With this being a finale, we both expected and hoped for the biggest and most delicious plate of nachos that we have been served so far, and we were not disappointed! Join Chris and Darrell (Debris Division partners) as we share what the Nachos had to say about “Celestial Body” - the stellar and absolutely phenomenal bombshell of a season finale of Debris! We heard from a few new Nachos but also heard from many of our regulars, and that list includes Cory, Matty, Brian the Christmas Guy from New Hampsha, Bastien, Geoff (xforce11), Anne, Barb, Cheryl B, Patty from Canadia, Sarge, John (TheSilverVox), TVasTherapy, Bradley, Elyse, Jeremiah, Emily (The Soggy Nacho), Brian (Zeppelin Driver), David, and Kome! We also heard from a few of you via our social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook, and you all had such exciting and insightful things to say about this finale, with many of you excited by John Noble’s appearance (as we were) and speculating about questions such as who Particle Man (first name Particle, last name Man) might be and what the heck we were looking at in that shocking closing scene. Be sure to keep in touch and stay connected with us because even though the first season of Debris is over, we do still have a bonus episode planned for you in the near future!
Links Mentioned: Joe Otterson - "'Debris’ Canceled After One Season at NBC” Regina Avalos - “Debris: Season Two? NBC Series Creator and Star Share Hopes for Renewal”
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