It's Deep Cuts Live's first ever tip show! Tune in for 30 minutes of viewer's questions about premium cigars. This show covers a number of commonly asked questions from cigar smokers including how to choose a cigar, the best budget cigars, how a cigar's shape affects how a cigar smokes, when to ash, and if price reflects quality in a cigar.
Guests include: Allen Sanabria (Family x Loyalty), Luciano Meirelles (Luciano Cigars), Brandon Marsh (Big Sky Cigar), Damon Robinson (Charlotte Cigar Week), Miguel Schoedel (Crowned Heads), Jason Wood (Miami Cigar & Co.), Nestor Miranda (Miami Cigar & Co.), Aric Bey (Black Star Line Cigars), Ernesto Padilla (Padilla Cigars), Jeffrey Amendola (Amendola Family Cigars), Christopher Monaco, Amendola Family Cigars).