This is the last episode for the year Deep Rooted Ventilation Podcast. It has been a wonderful kick off year for the show. Although, we have been very inconsistent with recording we have had some good times as well as challenges. Nonetheless, we have delivered some awesome and exciting entertainment for our followers. In this episode we discuss challenges, opportunities as well as what we have learned from them. We talk about goals and aspirations going into the new year. If you could have one wish granted from Santa, what would it be..... Funny show and great conversation.
From the crew we truly want to thank everyone who has listened and followed our show. We have learned a lot as well as been given some gems from everyday people. Next year we go even bigger and become more consistent with delivering entertainment and expert analysis.
From the Swollen Genius, Lil Paul, Baron, Red and Cindy we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday's and a Happy New Years....
Continue to follow us on all platforms... We will see you all in the new year.