bagaimana cara menginternalisasikan nilai kecerdasan spiritual melalui virtual?
"Spiritual quotient or more familiar
in our ears with the acronym "SQ", is a combination of two terms
words namely "intelligence" and "spiritual". In the Indonesian Dictionary
(2008: 282), intelligent can be interpreted with a sharp mind, meanwhile
spiritual is defined as something related to psychology
or spiritual in nature. Based on the above understanding, then
Etymology, spiritual intelligence can be defined as the sharpness of one's mind towards something that is spiritual in nature. Hence, then
a person can be said to have spiritual intelligence when he is
have a high spirituality, and are able to give meaning to life
through the spirituality that he carries out. As for the notion of intelligence
spiritual is seen in terms of terminology, as stated by
the experts are as follows:
Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall mentioned that, intelligence
spiritual (SQ) is mental intelligence. This intelligence is rooted in
from within a person associated with wisdom outside the ego
or outside the conscious mind. Further emphasized by him, that
spiritual intelligence doesn't just highlight or relate to
the problem of old values was there, but more than that, it too
contributing to creating a new value order (Rahmani, 2007: 8).
With his spiritual intelligence, then man
devote oneself to Allah by hoping for His pleasure in everything
the line of life that he runs. Furthermore, Ari Ginanjar emphasized,
that the main target of humans through their spiritual intelligence other than
seeking the pleasure of Allah, is also responsible in various things and
the activities it carries out, as a form of manifestation and realization
against Allah's orders, namely as khalifah (substitute for Allah) in advance
this earth. Based on this, it can be seen that people
who has spiritual intelligence of course he will run everything
daily activities with great enthusiasm and responsibility
in accordance with the provisions outlined by the Sharia.
Etymologically, spiritual intelligence is explained by Syarif Muhtarom 6
as a person's ability to face and solve related problems
with values, mind and soul. Since it was still in the human womb it has been
carrying spiritual fitrah (potential spiritual intelligence). Hence man is said
as a spiritual being. After being born humans continue to wander for
looking for the meaning of life and identity. This potential will become a strength
which causes humans to have a strong bond with God.
Actualization of Islamic Values
Actualization of Islamic values is a form of translation of Islamic values
contained in spiritual intelligence is formed into norms and
make it happen in everyday life.
How to realize spiritual intelligence such as Islamic values through virtual, it can use learning videos, material presented by the teacher, discussion, and refinement of information on texts or phenomena that contain elements of spiritual intelligence.
For example, internalizing the value of spiritual intelligence such as Islamic values for elementary school children can be presented with prayer guide learning videos, reading the Koran, and Islamic material virtually. Likewise with higher levels. Islamic learning video material that is more complex, it will provide understanding and internalization of Islamic values as spiritual intelligence will also be conveyed."