Content Promotion starts much before you publish a content. There are few steps you need to take in the Pre - Publishing Phase and few steps in the Post - Publishing stage.
Sameer Panjwani talks in depth about all the steps where you can follow them easily.
Here is the video summery.
Pre - Publishing Phase
Step 1 - Influencer Grooming
Try to attract the attention of potential experts or influencers in the topic that you are writing about.
- By Ego Bait
- By Asking for Opinion
- By Collaboration
Step 2- Keyword Optimization
Do Keyword Research and identify your potential target term
Post - Publishing Phase
Step 3 - Internal Linking
Make sure that Internal Linking is done from the new post to old post and also from old post to the new post with right target terms.
Step 4 - Outreach
Do outreach to those whom you have listed in step 1 by letting them know the article is pusblished and so that they could also promote to their audience.
Step 5 - Newsletter
It is time to send a newsletter to your audience to let them know that you have published a new article and ask for comments and feedback.
Step 6 - Social Channels
Post your article in all the social channels you are present to leverage those set of audience.
Step 7 - Content Curation Communities
Submit the article in various Content Curation Communities of your industry for maximum upvotes and traction
Step 8 - Comment on Other Blogs
Comment on other blogs by letting the audience know that you have a diffrent opinion on the article or additional points to the post with a link. Don't make it look spammy.
Step 9 - Q&A sites and Forums
Engage in answering in Forums and Q&A sites where you have your audience asking for an answer to a specific question which you post can answer. Find opputunities where you can give value and link to your article.
Step 10 - Paid Promotions
Advertise on all social media paid channels and other promotion channels such as,, etc,. to gain further traction.
Step 11 - Backlink Analysis
Analyze the backlinks of all the articles who are competing with target term you are ranking. Research on the reasons they are linking out and reach out to them for a backlink as you have similar and better content
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