Getting things from A to B isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Especially when we’re talking shipping on a continental scale.
That’s what I recently chatted about with Lindsey Shellman, Vice President at WIN (Web Integrated Network), where she’s responsible for sales, operational, and strategic direction.
“We identified early on that shippers wanted a tool to manage their own shipping,” Lindsey said.
The old way to do it: Make a bunch of calls. Get a bunch of quotes and compare them. Go to different websites and start typing. Print stuff out. Try to coordinate all the info somehow.
“It's not efficient and it takes up a lot of time,” Lindsey said.
Cue the new way: WIN.
“It's a single platform that you can use to manage all of your shipping,” she explained. “It takes a lot of time out of the process and provides a lot more efficiency.”
Because everything’s integrated.