How many of us have thought, while spending the day away listening to our favorites, from the bands everyone knows to the ones only those who know know, "yaar, someone needs to write a book about this incredible history"? Well, we don't know about you, but we've thought about this a lot (which is partly what inspired this podcast, just that none of us have the patience to actually write an entire book), and alas, some brave soul has actually done it. Introducing Tayyab Khalil, the man who has undoubtedly made an incredible contribution to Pakistani rock music through his breakthrough "Rockistan," an engaging narrative text that documents not just the history of this genre we love, but shares accounts of the relationships between bands, bandmates, and artists across the scene. We were honored to sit with Tayyab to talk about his project in this episode, where he shares how he went about gathering the stories and what inspired him to do so. And while you're at it, check out Rockistan's website at, where you can download the book for free (and buy a hard copy if you're still classy). Many thanks to Tayyab for chatting with us, and to all of your for listening! As always, get back to us with feedback on our Facebook page and give us suggestions, tips, and thoughts. Rock on, rockistanis.