Welcome back to Dimensional Shift! After a long year of sitting with the “WTF” of realizations, we are reuniting with a new podcast episode!
This year I want to take you on a journey through awakening, or, at least, the process I went through, in the stages I went through.
And so, we begin with meditation. This episode will answer some of the most frequent questions I get when I ask someone, “do you meditate?”
We’ll discuss the purpose of meditation, what benefits you might find, how to meditate, if there is a “right” way to meditate, and a few suggestions to get you started.
Meditation is the foundation of the Path. So get busy doing nothing! ;)
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Welcome to Dimensional Shift!
We understand that the fate of world can be shifted with each individual who becomes Self-Realized. Are you ready to awaken & embody Source Consciousness?
Check out our other links:
https://www.dimensionalshifter.com (website relaunch coming soon)
And my joy project, Dancing Owl Apothecary