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FAQs about Discovering The Power In The Word:How many episodes does Discovering The Power In The Word have?The podcast currently has 120 episodes available.
May 13, 2021WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO CELEBRATEWhatever the occasion is, there is something to be thankful for and rejoice about. Look around you, think on it, you will realise there is a reason to celebrate....more6minPlay
May 10, 2021GOD IS OUR REFUGERest in the assurance that you have a place of safety and protection from all unrest and the fears of the world....more12minPlay
May 07, 2021RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE DO RIGHTYour righteousness is not by what you do right it is a gift that helps you to live right in always...more6minPlay
May 06, 2021RIGHTEOUSNESS IS NOT GOOD CONDUCT BUT A GIFTStop struggling try to live right because you can't. It is already given to you as a gift, so receive and enjoy it....more6minPlay
May 05, 2021MAXIMISE THE BENEFITS OF REDEMPTIONJesus paid for it all in full. You and I owe it to God as a honour to enjoy every bit of it....more6minPlay
May 04, 2021CHRIST HAS REDEEMED YOU FROM EVERY CURSEIt doesn't matter what the situation is around you your case is different because you are the redeemed of the Lord through the precious blood of Jesus Christ....more6minPlay
February 19, 2021Grow UpPut childish behaviour off, wake up and grow up to enjoy all that is made available to you...more5minPlay
February 17, 2021Live Your life to the FullestFollowing God's Plan for your life through His word will guide you through....more5minPlay
February 16, 2021Give it Your best ShotDo it better, give it a little more than everyone does, make sure you give it Your best Shot...more5minPlay
February 13, 2021Keep the Fire BurningKeep your Passion alive, be continually enthusiastic for spiritual things...more5minPlay
FAQs about Discovering The Power In The Word:How many episodes does Discovering The Power In The Word have?The podcast currently has 120 episodes available.