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FAQs about Discovering The Power In The Word:How many episodes does Discovering The Power In The Word have?The podcast currently has 120 episodes available.
January 12, 2021Don't Settle for LessWhy asking for just a pack of pizza when you have access to the whole production? Why ask for a street when you already own the country?...more6minPlay
January 09, 2021God sees you the way He sees JesusYou are one with Christ, that the way God see you....more6minPlay
January 08, 2021God has made all things readyHe is not just gonna bless you, no He has blessed you already. Tap into it, walk, run and live in this revelation....more6minPlay
January 06, 2021OBEDIENCE: Key to divine destinyIf you want to obey God do it now, it is Important to your reign in life. Why wait till later or when you feel like?...more7minPlay
January 05, 2021Receive Instructions from His MouthGod is still speaking, just ensure you not just talking without listening...more8minPlay
January 04, 2021All things are yoursDon't Bragg about your connection or skill, because they may fail you. Boast only in the knowledge of thaat God has made it all available to you. All things are mine...more7minPlay
January 03, 2021Forget to be FruitfulDon't hinder yourself by holding on to the challenges of yesterday let it go forget about it so that fruitfulness can come...more7minPlay
January 02, 2021Dream BigDon't limit yourself by the occurrence of yesterday, It is gone. Take what God has made available to you today and enjoy it Big...more6minPlay
January 01, 2021My year of EXCEEDING AbundantlyBe expectant. GOD is set to restore all that you have lost back to you in full...more7minPlay
FAQs about Discovering The Power In The Word:How many episodes does Discovering The Power In The Word have?The podcast currently has 120 episodes available.