Our ability to think is what sets us apart from the rest of the living world. It’s the thing that allows us not just to live life, but to choose how we want to live it. It’s what lets us define life, as well as defining our place in this life.
In many ways, our thoughts are one of the greatest gifts we have been given; the ability to live life consciously. We don’t simply get to exist, we get to shape our existence.
Yet it is our greatest tool that we often wield as our biggest weapon, against others, and ourselves. The very same thing that gives us the ability to make choices, and to act on those decisions to create the lives we live, also keeps us trapped in old, and limiting, beliefs that can keep us stuck in a proverbial rut.
In this podcast we discover that when we live on autopilot, and let our thoughts run wild because that’s what they’ve always done, we shouldn’t at all be surprised that the outcomes aren’t what we want them to be.
So we must learn to monitor our thoughts. We then have to take it a step further and examine why we are thinking what we are.
We’ve got to think. And we have to begin to do so in a conscious manner. Because if our lives aren’t where we want them to be, but we’re not willing to change our thoughts, then we’re just going to remain where we are.