Gemwin leads Jhank, Bors, Grom, Hokan, and a host of NPC dwarves up into the Halls of the Longbeards in the hope of destroying the Direlord Tribe once and for all. They encounter immediate resistance and have to fight foot-by-foot against orcs, goblins, worgs, and two enormous trolls, with Jhank and Gemwin at the front and Korrin Ironaxe and Grom close behind. Korrin falls in battle, ripped in half by a troll, leaving Gemwin or Jhank as the most likely leaders of the dwarves in Runedarth. They confront the demonic Direlord Wartsnak and his fiendish tanarruk bodyguard in the throne room, where Jhank is charmed and Gemwin gets knocked unconscious, before they turn the tide and near victory. At the last moment, the Direlord escapes by a portal, but the territory that his clan occupied is now in the hands of the dwarves, who discover the treasures they left behind.