(Daily Download Episode(DDE)) - Change and the 4 Doors
Daily Download Episodes are short episodes which involve me getting into flow with my Superconscious and then just talking into my phone. The content will be one topic or thing that through my Superconscious I know needs to be out there are that specific time.
To download the Infographic for this Episode talk to my Facebook Automated Entity Bob (He doesn't like being called a BOT):
1. click https://m.me/InFlowtoGrow
2. click get started (first time interaction with Bob only, he can be a bit grumpy. Just ignore him.
3. Ignore the welcome message and type DTFRPOD10
4. Bob will deliver your resources
* - If this is not your first interaction with Bob then you will be able to ignore steps 1 and 2. Go to messenger, look for your last conversation with Bob which will be with "In Flow To Grow" and type in the episode number.
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